Prohibited postal items

According to Title I of Resolution CRC 5050 of 2016, in accordance with Article 3 of Resolution CRC 3038 of 2011, both issued by the Communications Regulation Commission of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, the following is understood as Prohibited Postal Items:

Prohibited postal items are those whose circulation is not permitted for reasons of security, public health, general utility, and protection of postal services.

Furthermore, users should note that numeral of Article of Resolution CRC 5050 of 2016 defines the following as postal items:

a)Items whose transport is prohibited by law.
b) Items whose importation or circulation is prohibited in the destination country.
c) Items that, due to their nature or packaging, pose a danger to postal service employees or the general public, or that may dirty or damage other postal items or the operator’s equipment.
d) Live animals.
e) The sending of paper currency, bearer instruments of any kind, platinum, gold, silver, precious stones, jewelry, and other valuables of similar nature that are not sent insured. The prohibition on sending paper currency does not apply to the acceptance of money by the postal service operator that provides this type of service to its users.
f)Items whose trafficking constitutes a crime.
g) Items determined by international agreements of which Colombia is a signatory.

The above prohibitions will be applied in accordance with the regulations of the Universal Postal Union and according to the exceptions proposed therein.

Therefore, PASAR EXPRESS SAS will refrain from providing its postal services regarding any postal item for which there is no absolute certainty of not falling into any of the above categories, especially but not limited to the following postal items:

Combustibles or explosive materialsCounterfeit products
Paper currency, coins, credit cards, andchecksLive or dead animals
Human organs and remainsFood and other perishable items wines and/or spirits.
Precious metals and gemsBatteries containing chemicals considered dangerous goodsRadioactive materials
War ammunitionWeapons or military toys
NarcoticsMilitary uniforms

The above must be understood in accordance with the sole paragraph of numeral of article of Resolution CRC 5050 of 2016, which states “PARAGRAPH. The sender of a postal item will be responsible for damages caused to other postal items when it comes to shipments whose transport is prohibited by law, by the regulations of the Universal Postal Union, or for failing to comply with the conditions for dispatching hazardous substances, unless the sole fault of the Postal Operator is proven.” And from article No restrictions. Infrastructure providers will refrain from imposing restrictions on any open television service from other open television operators, except in those cases where they are prohibited or restricted by legal, regulatory, judicial, or regulatory provisions.